2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
- V.A. Stephanovich, E.V. Kirichenko, G. Engel, V.K. Dugaev, Influence of a Dirac cone warping and tilting on the Friedel oscillations in a topological insulator, Physical Review B, 107, 035305 (2023)
- X.-G. Wang, G. Guo, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, S.S.P. Parkin, A. Ernst, L. Chotorlishvili, Steering skyrmions with microwave and terahertz electric pulses, Physical Review B, 107, 094404 (2023)
- S. Kudła, S. Wolski, T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, Electron scattering by magnetic quantum dot in topological insulator, Solid State Communications, 342, 114555 (2022)
- V.A. Stephanovich, E.V. Kirichenko, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Dynamical Friedel oscillations on the surface of a topological insulator, Physical Review B, 105, 075306 (2022)
- D.K. Singh, A. Ernst, V.K. Dugaev, Y. Chen, J. Gunasekera, Quantum magnetic properties and metal-to-insulator transition in chemically doped calcium ruthenate perovskite, Physica Status Solidi (b), 259, 2100503 (2022)
- J. Guo, V.K. Dugaev, A. Ernst, G. Yumnan, P. Ghosh, D.K. Singh, Topological monopole's gauge field-induced anomalous Hall effect in artificial honeycomb lattice, Natural Sciences, 2, e210083 (2022)
- V.A. Stephanovich, E.V. Kirichenko, V.K. Dugaev, J.H. Sauco, B.L. Brito, Fractional quantum oscillator and disorder in the vibrational spectra, Scientific Reports, 12, 12540 (2022)
- L. Chotorlishvili, X.G. Wang, A. Dyrdał, G. Guo, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, Rectification of the spin Seebeck current in noncollinear antiferromagnets, Physical Review B, 106, 014417 (2022)
- V.A. Stephanovich, W. Olchawa, E.V. Kirichenko, and V.K. Dugaev, 1D solitons in cubic-quintic fractional nonlinear Schrödinger model, Scientific Reports, 12, 15031 (2022)
- X.G. Wang, G. Guo, A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, V.K. Dugaev, S.S.P. Parkin, A. Ernst, L. Chotorlishvili, Skyrmion echo in a system of interacting skyrmions, Physical Review Letters, 129, 126101 (2022)
- X.G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, G. Tatara, A. Dyrdał, G. Guo, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, S.S.P. Parkin, A. Ernst. Skyrmion lattice hosted in synthetic antiferromagnets and helix modes, Physical Review B, 106, 104424 (2022)
- S. Wolski, M. Inglot, C. Jasiukiewicz, K.A. Kouzakov, T. Masłowski, S. Stagraczyński, T. Szczepański, R. Stagraczyński, V.K. Dugaev, L. Chotorlishvili, Random spin-orbit gates in the system of a topological insulator and a quantum dot, Physical Review B, 106, 224418 (2022)
- D. Maryenko, M. Kawamura, A. Ernst, V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, M. Kriener, M.S. Bahramy, Y. Kozuka, M. Kawasaki, Interplay of spin-orbit coupling and Coulomb interaction in ZnO-based electron system, Nature Communications, 12, 3180 (2021)
- E.K. Petrov, V.N. Men'shov, I.P. Rusinov, M. Hoffmann, A. Ernst, M.M. Otrokov, V.K. Dugaev, T.V. Menshchikova, E.V. Chulkov, Domain wall induced spin-polarized flat bands in antiferromagnetic topological insulators, Physical Review B, 103, 235142 (2021)
- M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, Graphene with Rashba spin-orbit interaction and coupling to a magnetic layer: Electron states localized at the domain wall, Physical Review B, 104, 214408 (2021)
- Y. Chen, A. Dahal, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, G. Xu, T.W. Heitmann, V.K. Dugaev, A. Ernst, D.J. Singh, D.K. Singh. Perovskite magnet with quantum mechanical glassiness. Materials Today Physics, vol. 12, 100163 (2020)
- M. Sedlmayr, N. Sedlmayr, J. Barnaś, V.K. Dugaev. Chiral Hall effect in the kink states in topological insulators with magnertic domain walls. Physical Review B, vol. 101, 155420 (2020).
- L. Chotorlishvili, Z. Toklikishvili, X.-G. Wang, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, Stratonovich-Ito integration scheme in ultrafast spin caloritronics. Physical Review B, vol. 102, 024413 (2020)
- X.-G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili. V.K. Dugaev, A. Ernst, I.V. Maznichenko, N. Arnold, C. Jia, J. Berakdar, I. Mertig, J. Barnaś. The optical tweezer of skyrmions. NPJ Computational Materials, vol. 6, 140 (2020).
- X.-G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, N. Arnold, V.K. Dugaev, I.V. Maznichenko, J. Barnaś, P. Buczek, S.S.P. Parkin, A. Ernst, Plasmonic skyrmion lattice based on the magnetoelectric effect. Physical Review Letters, vol. 125, 227201 (2020).
- S. Kudła, A. Dyrdał, V. K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, J. Barnaś, Conduction of surface electrons in topological insulator with a spatially random magnetization, Physical Review B, 100, 205428 (2019)
- R.M. Reeve, A. Loescher, H. Kazemi, B. Dupé, T. Winkler, D. Schönke, J. Miao, K. Litzius, N. Sedlmayr, I. Schneider, J. Sinova, S. Eggert, and M. Kläui, Scaling of intrinsic domain wall magneto-resistance with confinement in electromigrated nanocontacts, Physical Review B, 99, 214437 (2019)
- V. A. Stephanovich, E. V. Kirichenko, V. K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, and J. Berakdar, Time-resolved buildup of twisted indirect exchange interaction in two-dimensional systems, Physical Review B, 99, 235302 (2019)
- L. Chotorlishvili, Z. Toklikishvili, X.-G. Wang, V. K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, and J. Berakdar, Influence of spin-orbit and spin-Hall effects on the spin-Seebeck current beyond linear response: A Fokker-Planck approach, Physical Review B, 99, 024410 (2019)
- Z. Toklikishvili, L. Chotorlishvili, S. Stagraczyński, V.K. Dugaev, A. Ernst, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, Effects of spin-dependent electronic correlations on surface states in topological insulators, Physical Review B, 100, 235419 (2019)
- P. Kwasnicki, M. Jarzebski, P. Kardasz, M. Inglot, Characterization techniques of sandwich-type TiO2/QD composites for low-cost quantum dots' solar cell, Opto-electronics Review, 27, 105 (2019)
- M. Inglot, V. K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, J. Barnaś, Light absorption and pseudospin density generation in graphene nanoribbons, Physical Review B, 100, 165406 (2019)
- P. Kwasnicki, M. Inglot, Raman Measurements as a Fast and Efficient Technique for Characterisation of TiO2 and Quantum Dots on TiO2 Substrate for Photovoltaic Application, Acta Physica Polonica A, 135, 1240 (2019)
- P. Kwasnicki, J. Dziedzic, M. Inglot, Influence of Photoanode Geometry on Current-Voltage Parameters of the DSSC, Acta Physica Polonica A, 135, 1244 (2019)
- M. Inglot, V. K. Dugaev, Magnetic Anisotropy in Doped Graphene with Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction, Acta Physica Polonica A, 135, 1249 (2019)
- T. Masłowski, The AC Conductivity and the Jonscher Exponent in the One-Dimensional Model of Proton Conductivity, Acta Physica Polonica A, 135, 1263 (2019)
- S. Wolski, V. K. Dugaev, M. Inglot, P. Kwasnicki, Generation, Absorption and Photoconductivity in 2D Structures of Perovskite with Nanodisc Quantum Dots, Acta Physica Polonica A, 135, 1287 (2019)
- A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, Thermally induced spin polarization in a magnetized two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 98, 075307 (2018)
- I.V. Maznichenko, S. Ostanin, V.K. Dugaev, I. Mertig, and A. Ernst, Impact of long-range disorder on the two-dimensional electron gas formation at a LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, Physical Review Materials, 2, 074003 (2018)
- S. Kudła, A. Dyrdał, V. K. Dugaev, E. Ya. Sherman, and J. Barnaś, Charge and spin conductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas with a random Rashba interaction, Physical Review B, 97, 245307 (2018)
- M. Inglot, V. K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, E. Ya. Sherman, and J. Barnaś, Charge and spin currents in graphene generated by tailored light with orbital angular momentum, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 231102 (2018)
- J. Gunasekera, A. Dahal, Y. Chen, J. Rodrigez-Rivera, L. Harriger, S. Thomas, T. Heitmann, V. Dugaev, A. Ernst, and D. Singh, Quantum magnetic properties in perovskite with Anderson localized artificial spin-1/2, Advanced Science, 5, 1700978 (2018)
- N. Sedlmayr, P. Jäger, M. Maiti, and J. Sirker, Bulk-boundary correspondence for dynamical phase transitions in one-dimensional topological insulators and superconductors, Physical Review B, 97, 064304 (2018)
- N. Sedlmayr, M. Fleischhauer, and J. Sirker, Fate of dynamical phase transitions at finite temperatures and in open systems, Physical Review B, 97, 045147 (2018)
- P.R. Rzeszutko, S. Kudła, V.K. Dugaev, Transmission of charge and spin in a topological-insulator-based magnetic structure, Physica Status Solidi B, 254, 1600685 (2017)
- M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, Absorption of twisted and linearly polarized light in graphene with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Acta Physica Polonica A, 132, 193 (2017)
- S. Stagraczyński, J. Berakdar, V.K. Dugaev, Effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling on the spin polarization of holes in two-dimensional GaMnAs magnetic semiconductor, Acta Physica Polonica A, 132, 189 (2017)
- N. Sedlmayr, V. Kaladzhyan, C. Dutreix, and C. Bena, Bulk boundary correspondence and the existence of Majorana bound states on the edges of 2D topological superconductors. Physical Review B, 96, 184516 (2017)
- S. Stagraczyński, L. Chotorlishvili, M. Schüler, M. Mierzejewski, J. Berakdar, Many-body localization phase in a spin-driven chiral multiferroic chain, Physical Review B, 96, 054440 (2017)
- Z.Toklikishvili, L. Chotorlishvili, S. K. Mishra, S. Stagraczyński, M. Schüler, J. Berakdar, Entaglement dynamics of two nitrogen vacancy centers coupled by a nanomechanical resonator, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 50, 055007 (2017)
- A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, V.K. Dugaev, Current-induced spin polarization of a magnetized two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 95, 245302 (2017)
- E.V. Kirichenko, V.A. Stephanovich, V.K. Dugaev, Conductivity of two-dimensional electron gas at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, Physical Review B, 95, 085305 (2017)
- V.A. Stephanovich, V.K. Dugaev, V.I. Litvinov, J. Berakdar, Ultrafast dynamics of indirect exchange interaction and transient spin current generation in a two-dimensional electron gas, Physical Review B, 95, 045307 (2017)
- A. Dyrdał, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś. Spin-resolved orbital magnetization in Rashba two-dimensional electron gaz. Physical Review B, 94, 205302 (2016)
- L. Chotorlishvili, M. Azimi, S. Stagraczyński, Z. Toklikishvili, M. Schüler, J. Berakdar, Superadiabatic quantum heat engine with a multiferroic working medium, Physical Review E, 94, 032116 (2016)
- S. Stagraczyński, L. Chotorlishvili, V.K. Dugaev, C.L. Jia, A. Ernst, A. Komnik, J. Berakdar, Topological insulator in a helicoidal magnetization field, Physical Review B, 94, 174436 (2016)
- T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, I. Martinez, J.P. Cascales, J.Y. Hong, M.T. Lin, F.G. Aliev, Shot noise in magnetic tunneling structures with two-level quantum dots, Physical Review B, 94, 235429 (2016)
- X.G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, G.H. Guo, A. Sukhov, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, Thermally induced magnonic spin current, thermomagnetic torques and domain-wall dynamics in the presence of Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction, Physical Review B, 94, 104410 (2016)
- A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, V.K. Dugaev, Spin Hall and spin Nernst effects in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction: Temperature dependence, Physical Review B, 94, 035306 (2016).
- S. Stagraczyński, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, Magnetic anisotropy control in GaMnAs magnetic semiconductors, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 411, 79 (2016)
- V.A. Stephanovich, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3interface with a potential barrier, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 2104 (2016)
- V.A. Stephanovich, V.K. Dugaev, Macroscopic description of the two-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3interface, Physical Review B, 93, 045302 (2016)
- M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Thermoelectric and thermospin transport in ballistic junctions of gtaphene, Physical Review B, 92, 085418 (2015)
- M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, J. Barnaś, Enhanced photovoltaic effect in graphene due to rashba spin-orbit coupling, Physical Review B, 91, 195428 (2015)
- M. Inglot, A. Dyrdał, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Thermoelectric effect enhanced by resonant states in graphene, Physical Review B, 91, 115410 (2015)
- M. Inglot, M. Trybus, B.Woś, T. Ciuk, Measuring of Electric Parameters of Graphene in Presence of Temperature Gradient, Acta Physica Polonica A, 128, 128.166 (2015)
- S. Wolski, T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, B. Landgraf, T. Slobodskyy, W. Hansen, Spin and charge transport in double-junction Fe/MgO/GaAs heterostructures, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 043908 (2015)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, and J. Berakdar, Dynamics of the polarization of a pinned domain wall in a magnetic nanowire, Physica Status Solidi (b), 251, 235 (2014)
- J.P. Cascales, I. Martinez, F.G. Aliev, J.Y. Hong, M.T. Lin, T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Superpoissonian shot noise in organic magnetic tunnel junctions, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 233302 (2014)
- V. K. Dugaev, M. I. Katsnelson, Spin relaxation related to the edge scattering in graphene, Physical Review B, 90, 035408 (2014)
- M. Inglot, V. K. Dugaev, E. Ya. Sherman, J. Barnaś, Optical spin injection in graphene with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 89, 155411 (2014)
- A. Dyrdał, J. Barnaś, V. K. Dugaev, Current-induced spin polarization in graphene due to Rashba spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 89, 075422 (2014)
- L. Chotorlishvili, A. Ernst, V. K. Dugaev, A. Komnik, M. G. Vergniory, E. V. Chulkov, J. Berakdar, Magnetic fluctuations in topological insulators with ordered magnetic adatoms: Cr on Bi2Se3 from first principles, Physical Review B, 89, 075103 (2014)
- V.K. Dugaev, M.I. Katsnelson, Edge scattering of electrons in graphene: Boltzmann equation approach to the transport in graphene nanoribbons and nanodisks, Physical Review B, 88, 235432 (2013)
- L. Chotorlishvili, Z. Toklikishvili, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, S. Trimper, J. Berakdar, Fokker-Planck approach to the theory of magnon-driven spin Seebeck effect, Physical Review B, 88, 144429 (2013)
- L. Chotorlishvili, Z. Toklikishvili, A. Sukhov, P.P. Horley, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, S. Trimper, J. Berakdar, Thermally activated in-plane magnetization rotation induced by spin torque, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 123906 (2013)
- L. Chotorlishvili, D. Sander, A. Sukhov, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, A. Komnik, J. Berakdar, Entanglement between nitrogen vacancy spins in diamond controlled by a nanomechanical resonator, Physical Review B, 88, 085201 (2013).
- B. Mera, V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, Dynamics of magnetic moments coupled to electrons and lattice oscillations, Physical Review B, 88, 184419 (2013).
- T. Szczepański, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J.P. Cascales, F.G. Aliev, Shot noise in magnetic double-barrier tunnel junctions, Physical Review B, 87, 155406 (2013).
- A. Dyrdał, M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Thermally induced spin polarization of a two-dimensional electron gas, Physical Review B, 87, 245309 (2013)
- M. Kochmański, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Curie-Weiss magnet: a simple model of phase transition, European Journal of Physics 34, 1555–1573, (2013)
- V.K. Dugaev, M. Inglot, E.Ya. Sherman, J. Barnas, J. Berakdar, Nonlinear anomalous Hall effect and negative magnetoresistance in a system with random Rashba field, Physical Review Letters, 109, 206601 (2012)
- V.K. Dugaev, M.I. Katsnelson, Graphene in periodic deformation fields: dielectric screening and plasmons, Physical Review B, 86, 115405 (2012)
- J.P. Cascales, D. Herranz, F.G. Aliev, T. Szczepanski, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnas, A. Duluard, M. Hehn, C. Tiusan, Controlling shot noise in double barrier epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions, Physical Review Letters, 109, 066601 (2012)
- P. Baláz, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Spin-transfer torque in a thick Neel domain wall, Physical Review B, 85, 024416 (2012)
- P.D. Sacramento, M.A.N. Araújo, V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnas, Anomalous Hall effect in superconductors with spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 85, 014518 (2012)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, M. Inglot, and J. Berakdar, Indirect interaction of domain walls, Physica Status Solidi RRL, 5, 450 (2011)
- V.I. Ivanov, V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, J. Barnaś, Nonlinear spin current generation in (110)-oriented GaAs quantum well, Physical Review B, 84, 085326 (2011)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, Spin-density waves and domain interactions in nanowires, Physical Review B, 83, 174447 (2011)
- M. Taillefumier, V.K. Dugaev, B. Canals, C. Lacroix, P. Bruno, Graphene in periodically alternating magnetic field: unusual quantization of the anomalous Hall effect, Physical Review B, 84 085427 (2011)
- V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, J. Barnaś, Spin dephasing and pumping in graphene due to random spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 83, 085306 (2011)
- M. Inglot, V.K. Dugaev, Impurity states in graphene with intrinsic spin-orbit interaction, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 123709 (2011)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, and J. Berakdar, Role of non-collinear magnetization: from ferromagnetic nanowires to rings, Physica Status Solidi (b), 247, 2603 (2010)
- V. K. Dugaev, M. Inglot, E. Ya. Sherman, J. Barnaś, Robust impurity-scattering spin Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gas, Physical Review B (Rapid communications), 82, 121310(R) (2010)
- M.M. Glazov, E.Ya. Sherman, V.K. Dugaev, Two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling disorder, Physica E, 42, 2157 (2010) (invited review)
- D. Herranz, F.G. Aliev, C. Tiusan, M. Hehn, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Tunneling in double barrier junctions with “hot spots”, Physical Review Letters, 105, 047207 (2010)
- E.Ya. Sherman, J.G. Muga, V.K. Dugaev, A. Ruschhaupt, Strong electron spin-Hall effect by a coherent optical potential, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 25, 095004 (2010)
- R. Guerrero, F.G. Aliev, R. Villar, T. Santos, J. Moodera, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Conductance in Co|Al2O3|Si|Al2O3 permalloy with asymmetrically doped barrier, Physical Review B, 81, 014404 (2010)
- P.D. Sacramento, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, M. Araújo, Correlated magnetic impurities in a superconductor: electron density profiles and robustness of superconductivity, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 025701 (2010)
- C. Jasiukiewicz, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Auxetic properties and anisotropyof elastic material constants of 2D crystalline media, Physica Status Solidi (b) 247, 5, 1247, (2010)
- C. Jasiukiewicz, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Auxetic properties of polycrystals, Physica Status Solidi (b) 247, 5, 1201, (2010)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, V.R. Vieira, M.A.N. Araújo, and J. Barnaś, Spin and charge transport through non-collinear magnetic nanowires, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 322, 1419 (2010)
- A. Dyrdał, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Spin Hall effect in IV-VI semiconductors, Europhysics Letters, 85, 67004 (2009)
- N. Sedlmayr, V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, Current-induced interactions of a multiple domain walls in magnetic quantum wires, Physical Review B, 79, 174422 (2009)
- V.I. Litvinov, V.K. Dugaev, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in dielectric GaN(Gd), Applied Physics Letters, 94, 212506 (2009)
- P.P. Horley, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, V.K. Dugaev, Application of the stereographic projection to studies of magnetization dynamics described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 42, 315211 (2009)
- V.K. Dugaev, E.Ya. Sherman, V.I. Ivanov, J. Barnaś, Spin relaxation and combined resonance in two-dimensional electron systems with spin-orbit disorder, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 80, 081301(R) (2009)
- A. Dyrdal, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnas, Spin Hall effect in a system of Dirac fermions in the honeycomb lattice with intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interactions, Physical Review B, 80, 155444 (2009)
- P. Horley, V. Vieira, P.N. Gorley, J.G. Hernandez, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Ultra-fast ballistic magnetization reversal triggered by a single magnetic field pulse, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 245007 (2009)
- P. Walker, R.P. Campion, A.J. Kent, D. Lehmann, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, Excitation and detection of high-frequency coherent acoustic phonons in low-symmetry superlattices, Physical Review B, vol. 78, 233307 (2008)
- Cz. Jasiukiewicz, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Auxetic properties and anisotropy of elastic material constants of 2D crystalline media, Physica Status Solidi (b) 245, No. 3, 562-569 (2008)
- Cz. Jasiukiewicz, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Fourth-rank tensors of [[V2]2] type and elastic material constants for all systems of 2D crystals, Physica Status Solidi (b) 245, No. 3, 557-561 (2008)
- C Jasiukiewicz, D Lehmann, Phonon-drag images of GaAs and AlAs quantum wells, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 104 (2008) 012026
- P.P. Horley, V.R. Vieira, P.M. Gorley, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Current induced dynamics of a monodomain ferromagnet for arbitrary orientation of magnetic field and spin current polarization, Physical Review B, 77, 094427 (2008)
- N. Paunković, P.D. Sacramento, P. Nogueira, V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, Fidelity between partial states as signature of quantum phase transitions, Physical Review A, 77, 052302 (2008)
- V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, J. Barnaś. Comment on “Weak localization in ferromagnetic (GaMn)As nanostructures”, Physical Review Letters, 101, 129701 (2008)
- P.P. Horley, V.R. Vieira, P.M. Gorley, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Influence of a periodic magnetic field and spin-polarized current on the magnetic dynamics of a monodomain ferromagnet, Physical Review B, 78, 054417 (2008)
- M. Taillefumier, V.K. Dugaev, B. Canals, C. Lacroix, P. Bruno. Chiral two-dimensional electron gas in a periodic magnetic field: Persistent current and quantized anomalous Hall effect, Physical Review B, 78, 155330 (2008)
- A. Dyrdał, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Anomalous Hall effect in IV-VI semiconductors, Physical Review B, 78, 245208 (2008)
- T. Paszkiewicz and S. Wolski, Elastic properties of cubic crystals: Every’s versus Blackman’s diagram, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 104:012038, (2008)
- N.A. Sinitsyn, A.H. MacDonald, T. Jungwirth, V.K. Dugaev, J. Sinova, Anomalous Hall effect in 2D Dirac band: link between Kubo-Středa formula and semiclassical Boltzmann equation approach, Physical Review B, 75, 045315 (2007)
- P.M. Gorley, P.P. Horley, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, W. Dobrowolski, Application of self-organization methods to current-induced magnetization dynamics of a single-domain ferromagnet, Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 034504 (2007)
- V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, Vacuum fluctuations and the spin current in mesoscopic structures with collinear magnetic order, Physical Review B (Rapid communications), 75, 201301(R) (2007)
- S. Krompiewski, V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Resonant decoherence due to electron-electron interactions in carbon nanotubes, Physical Review B, 75, 195422 (2007)
- V.F. Mitin, P.C. McDonald, F. Pavese, N.S. Boltovets, V.V. Kholevchuk, I.Yu. Nemish, V.V. Basanets, V.K. Dugaev, P.V. Sorokin, R.V. Konakova, E.F. Venger, E.V. Mitin, Ge-on-GaAs film resistance thermometers for cryogenic applications, Cryogenics, 47, 474 (2007)
- P.D. Sacramento, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, Magnetic impurities in a superconductor: Effect of domain walls and interference, Physical Review B, 76, 014512 (2007)
- P.D. Sacramento, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, Magnetically-induced superconducting correlations: Bogolyubov-de Gennes calculations of the gap profile in a superconductor with magnetic order, Physical Review B (Rapid communications), vol.76, 020510(R) (2007)
- M.A.N Araújo, J. Berakdar, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, Role of a spin-flip scatterer in a magnetized Luttinger liquid, Physical Review B, 76, 205107 (2007)
- P.D. Sacramento, P. Nogueira, V.R. Vieira, V.K. Dugaev, Entanglement signatures of the quantum phase transition induced by a magnetic impurity in a superconductor, Physical Review B, 76, 184517 (2007).
- V.F. Mitin, V.K. Dugaev, G.G. Ihas, Large negative magnetoresistance in Ge films at ultralow temperatures and low magnetic fields, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 202107 (2007)
- T.S. Nunner, N.A. Sinitsyn, M.F. Borunda, V.K. Dugaev, A.A. Kovalev, Ar. Abanov, C. Timm, T. Jungwirth, J. Inoue, A.H. MacDonald, J. Sinova, Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas, Physical Review B, 76, 235312 (2007)
- D Lehmann and C Jasiukiewicz, Phonon-drag images of AlAs quantum wells: the effect of well thickness and effective mass anisotropy, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 92, 012102 (2007)
- A. Obukhov, T. Paszkiewicz, S Wolski, A. Jeżowski, On the upper limit of thermal conductivity GaN crystals, Solid State Communications, 144:114 (2007)
- T. Paszkiewicz and S. Wolski, Anisotropic properties of mechanical characteristics and auxeticity of cubic crystalline media, physica status solidi (b), 244(3):966 – 977 (2007)
- T. Paszkiewicz and S. Wolski, Young’s and shear moduli and Poisson’s ratio for elastic media of high and middle symmetry, physica status solidi (b), 244(3):978–987 (2007)
- M. Inglot, A. Wal, T. Lulek, Construction of superconducting pairs in the two-dimensional electron gas for the model of itinerant electrons, physica status solidi (b), 244(7):2476-2479 (2007)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, J. Barnaś, Tunable conductance of magnetic nanowires with structured domain walls, Physical Review Letters, 96, 047208 (2006).
- M. Taillefumier, B. Canals, C. Lacroix, V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, Anomalous Hall effect due to the spin chirality in the Kagomé lattice, Physical Review B, 74, 085105 (2006).
- V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, P.D. Sacramento, J. Barnaś, M.A.N. Araújo, J. Berakdar, Current-induced motion of a domain wall in a magnetic nanowire, Physical Review B, 74, 054403 (2006)
- V.K. Dugaev, V.I. Litvinov, J. Barnaś, Exchange interaction of magnetic impurities in graphene, Physical Review B, 74, 224438 (2006)
- M.A.N. Araújo, V.K. Dugaev, V.R. Vieira, J. Berakdar, J Barnaś, Transmission of correlated electrons through sharp domain walls in magnetic nanowires: a renormalization group approach, Physical Review B, 74, 224429 (2006)
- B.A. Danilchenko, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, A. Jeżowski i T. Plackowski, Heat capacity and phonon mean free path of wurzite GaN, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89:061901, (2006)
- A. Duda, T. Paszkiewicz, and S. Wolski, Longitudinal normals for piezoelectric elastic media, Institute of Physics: Conference Series, 30, 333 (2006)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Classical description of current-induced spin torque in multilayer structures, Journal of Applied Physics, 97, 023902 (2005).
- A. Łusakowski, V.K. Dugaev, Ground state splitting for the Mn2+ ion in PbMnTe compounds, Physical Review B, 71, 014422 (2005)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, J. Berakdar, V.I. Ivanov, W. Dobrowolski, V.F. Mitin, Magnetoresistance of a semiconducting magnetic wire with domain wall, Physical Review B, 71, 024430 (2005)
- J. Barnaś, A. Fert, M. Gmitra, I. Weymann, V.K. Dugaev, From giant magnetoresistance to current-induced switching by spin transfer, Physical Review B, 72, 024426 (2005)
- V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, M. Taillefumier, B. Canals, C. Lacroix, Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, 71, 224423 (2005)
- V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, B. Canals, C. Lacroix, Berry phase of magnons in textured ferromagnets, Physical Review B, 72, 024456 (2005).
- P. Bruno, V.K. Dugaev, Equilibrium spin currents and magnetoelectric effect in magnetic nanostructures, Physical Review B (Rapid communications), 72, 241302(R) (2005)
- V.I. Litvinov, V.K. Dugaev, Reply to Comment on “Ferromagnetism in magnetically doped III-V semiconductors”, Physical Review Letters, 92, 069702 (2004)
- V.K. Dugaev, M. Taillefumier, P. Bruno, Topological Hall effect and Berry phase in magnetic nanostructures, Physical Review Letters, 93, 096806 (2004)
- B.A. Danilchenko, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, T. Paszkiewicz, S. Wolski, Nonlinear Response of Superconductor Bolometer to Phonon Fluxes, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 26, 151 (2004)
- T. Paszkiewicz, M. Pruchnik, and S. Wolski, Slowness surfaces and energy focusing patterns of auxetic cubic media, Comput. Meth. Sci. Technol., 10(2):1983–1995, (2004)
- V.K. Dugaev, V.I. Litvinov, J. Barnaś, M. Vieira, Exchange interaction and ferromagnetism in III-V semiconductors, Physical Review B, 67, 033201 (2003)
- F.G. Aliev, R. Schad, A. Volodin, K. Temst, C. Haesendonck, Y. Bruynseraede, I. Vavra, V.K. Dugaev, R. Villar, Electron interaction with domain walls in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers, Europhysics Letters, 63, 888 (2003)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Berakdar, J. Barnaś, Reflection of electrons from a domain wall in magnetic nanojunctions, Physical Review B, 68, 104434 (2003)
- B.A.Danilchenko, Cz.Jasiukiewicz, T.Paszkiewicz, S.Wolski, Response of superconductor bolometer to phonon fluxes, Acta Phys. Pol. A 103 (2003) 325
- Cz. Jasiukiewicz, V. Karpus, Debye temperature of cubic crystals, Solid State Commun., 128, 167-169 (2003)
- Cz. Jasiukiewicz, V. Karpus, Acoustic Phonon Anisotropy and the Debye Temperature, Lithuanian J. Phys., 43, 335 (2003)
- M. Oszwaldowski, T. Berus, V.K. Dugaev, Weak localization in InSb thin films heavily doped with lead, Physical Review B, 65, 235418 (2002)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, A. Łusakowski, Ł.A. Turski, Electrons in a ferromagnetic metal with a domain wall, Physical Review B, 65, 224419 (2002)
- D. Lehmann, A.J. Kent, N.M. Stanton, A.V. Akimov, S.A. Cavill, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, T.S. Cheng, C.T. Foxon, The Phonon-drag effect in low mobility gallium nitride epilayers, Physica B, 316-317, 110 (2002)
- D. Lehmann, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, About the shortcomings of using Fang-Howard electron wave functions for phonon emission rate calculations in single heterostructures, Physica B, 316-317, 226 (2002)
- D. Lehmann, A. J. Kent, Cz. Jasiukiewicz, A. J. Cross, P. Hawker, and M. Henini, Effects of acoustic anisotropy and screening on the energy relaxation of hot electrons in heterojunctions and quantum wells, Physical Review B, 65, 085320 (2002)
- V.K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, Electron-electron interaction effects in magnetic layered systems, Europhysics Letters, 54, 105 (2001)
- V.I. Litvinov, V.K. Dugaev, Ferromagnetism in magnetically doped III-V semiconductors, Physical Review Letters, 86, 5593 (2001)
- V.K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, J. Barnaś, Weak localization in ferromagnets with spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B, v64, 144423 (2001)
- V.K. Dugaev, A. Crépieux, P. Bruno, Localization corrections to the anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnet, Physical Review B, 64, 104411 (2001)
- V.K. Dugaev, V.I. Litvinov, W. Dobrowolski, Level quantization in the narrow-gap-semiconductor quantum well in a parallel magnetic field, Physical Review B, 62, 1905 (2000)
- I. Stolpe, N. Puhlmann, O. Portugall, M. von Ortenberg, W. Dobrowolski, A. Yu. Sipatov, V. K. Dugaev, Megagauss magnetospectroscopy of EuS/PbS multi-quantum wells, Physical Review B, 62, 24, 16798 (2000)
- D.Lehmann, Cz.Jasiukiewicz, A.J.Kent, The influence of screening and acoustic anisotropy on the electron-phonon coupling in quantum wires, Physica E 6, 538 (2000)