Strona: Seminars / SPINTRONICS


Previous Spintronics Seminars

red. Stefan Stagraczyński

Schedule Winter 2019/2020

Date Speaker Title
06/11/2019 N.A. Organization
13/11/2019 Czesław
Phononics: basic concepts
20/11/2019 Sylwia Kudła Conduction of surface electrons in a topological insulator with spatially random magnetization
27/11/2019 Sławomir Wolski Colossal Elastocaloric Effect in Ferroelastic Ni-Mn-Ti Alloys
04/12/2019 Stefan Stagraczyński Heusler compounds
11/12/2019 Tomasz Szczepański Cancelled
18/12/2019 Vitalii Dugaev Two-dimensional electron gas at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface
08/01/2020 Michał Inglot Franz-Keldysh effect in bilayer graphene
15/01/2020 Tomasz Szczepański Entropy productions and fluctuation theorems

Schedule Summer 2018/2019

Date Speaker Title
15/04/2019 N.A. Organization
13/05/2019 Stefan
Transistor Candidates for 
Neural Networks
27/05/2019 Tomasz
Edge State Hunting
10/06/2019 Michał
Introduction to the optical properties of twisted bilayer graphene

Schedule Winter 2018/2019:

Date Speaker Title
10/10/2018 N.A. Organization
17/10/2018 Vitalii Dugaev The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018: Optical Tweezers and Lasers
14/11/2018 Nicholas
Thermalization of Open and Closed Quantum Systems
28/11/2018 Sławomir
Electron energy spectrum in 2D quantum dots: a way to increase the efficiency of photoelectric devices
05/12/2018 Martyna
Ground State Fidelity as a Probe of Topological Phase Transitions in the Presence of Disorder
16/01/2018 Tomasz
Witten Index and Supersymmetry Breaking

Schedule Summer 2017/2018:

Date Speaker Title
20/03/2018 Nicholas Sedlmayr Rotating skyrmion lattices by spin torques and field or temperature gradients”, PRB 86, 054432 (2012)
27/03/2018 Tomasz Masłowski The similarity renormalization group: The philosopher's stone of physics?
10/04/2018 Stefan Stagraczyński Quantum Heat Engines
22/05/2018 Vitalii
Random Rashba Spin-Orbit Interactions in 2D Materials
12/06/2018 Tomasz Szczepański Proof of the Borwein-Broadhurst conjecture for a dilogarithmic integral arising in quantum field theory
19/06/2018 Michał
Graphene with the magnetic domain wall and Rashba spin orbit interaction

Schedule Winter 2017/2018:

Date Speaker Title
19/10/2017 Nicholas
A Short Introduction to My Research Topics
26/10/2017 Nicholas
The Superconductivity of Topologically Protected Surface States
16/11/2017 Tadeusz
Narodziny nowoczesnej nauki
23/11/2017 Stefan
PhD Defence Practice Talk
07/12/2017 Martyna
From Quantum Transport to Chemical and Mechanical Engineering
18/01/2018 Dominik
Aharonov and his ABC

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